New: PMR template has been expanded

We have expanded what we put into a PMR report so that we can align the amount of property that an investor needs to purchase over a 10 year period, by aligning this with their 10 year Net Equity and Cashflow Goals. It means they then have a clear target e.g. “10 properties to purchase in 10 years” to hit a goal of say $120k a year in surplus cashflow.

We have also started including “debt plans” so a client (and broker) can see exactly how its suggested the debt is structured taking their current finance circumstances/banking relationships into account. The expanded PMR (attached) also illustrates the impact on cashflow if interest rates increase over the medium to long term. We have now rolled this new report out to 4 clients with good feedbacks so far (and some tweking).

Yesterday I did an ICR call with a client who owned 5 properties and wanted TPF to help him and his wife build a portfolio that gets him to $120k in cashflow within 10 years. It made it simple to say “we can work out exactly how many properties you need to buy, including what you purchase right now”.  Its also means there are extra questions to ask at the ICR Report delivery stage to ensure I have the info to produce the expanded PMR.

Here is the updated web page with the extra fields and you can download the example Property Matching Report here.

If you have any questions on this please contact David Hows preferably via Slack or at and he will assist you.