Auckland Updates
660 Great South Road, Ellerslie
The first slap and the first part of the stair have been poured and lift columns have been put in place. The second half of the slab is due to be poured in March. The construction timeline is running to schedule.
Completion due Q2 2023
Render: Indicative only
Selo - Corner of West Coast & Glengarry Road, Glen Eden
Site works are well underway. Over the next couple of months work will commence for the retaining walls on the southern boundary and the first of the roads that will run through the village.
The formation of the first building platforms has begun. This means the developer is on target to see Chancellor Construction begin the vertical construction on some of the homes in April this year.
Completion due Q3 2023
Wellington Updates
Hyde Lane - 11 Courtney Place, Wellington Central
The developer is in the middle of building consent documentation, which is meant to be lodged at the end of April / start of may. Construction is due to start October/November 2022.
Render: Indicative only
Christchurch Updates
256-266 Armagh Street, Christchurch Central
Resource consent and building consent have both been issued. Excavation and boxing has commenced on site.
Completion due December 2022
10 Browning Street, Sydenham
The development is really taking shape and looking good with the roof now in place. The building has been wrapped and windows are being installed. This means the build will be weathertight and external cladding can begin this month. Internally the stairs are in and next month the construction team will be moving inside o begin work on the interior.
There have been some delays on site due to material shortages however, the developer is confident that these are now at an end.
Completion due June 2022
89 Champion Street
On site as you can see all the frames, the building is now wrapped and the roof is nearing completion. Windows are being installed and the building will soon be weather tight.
Next up exterior cladding will begin and on the inside pre-wiring and pre-plumbing will be getting underway.
Unfortunately, there have been some delays on this project caused by material supply delays towards the end of last year. The developer is confident that supply shortages are behind us on this development and they will be doing their best to make up lost time.
Completion due June 2022
317 Lincoln Road, Addington
The site is now clear and ground remediation is underway. The developer is expecting to receive building consent towards the end of February and from there the site will really spring to life.
Completion due June 2022
13 George Holmes Road, Rolleston (Stage 2)
Stage 2 started off with a bang, construction has been progressing well, the roof is now on and we have the windows going in next week.
Unfortunately, the developer hasn’t escaped the widespread issues with material delays, a significant one being jib delivery. The delivery date has now been confirmed but it is a lot later than initially requested. This means we are now looking like completion of the units and final inspections will be at the end of June. It is hard to predict council processing times but the developer is hoping they will have a Code of Compliance certificate in mid-July and will be settling in late July.
Completion due June 2022
21 Linwood Avenue, Linwood
These homes are really taking shape. Exterior works are completed and interior works are well underway. The next steeps include completing plastering and installing the kitchens and joinery. After this, work on landscaping will being.
Completion TBC
505 Durham Street, St Albans
Work is nearing completion on the exterior. Windows and roofing have been installed and all dwellings are now watertight. Exterior works will be completed early next month. Once exterior works are completed, contractors will move inside and commence jib installation.
Completion TBC